Saturday, July 31, 2010

Robot Project :: Circuit Explained

Originally uploaded by orangejacket05

With no access to a CAD program, I have not been able to make a good sketch of the circuit diagram yet. Instead, I'll give a description of the circuit components and circuit operation.

What is the purpose of the circuit?
This circuit uses two photoresistors to detect light, read the voltage drop across the sensors, and determine automatically which servo to power using a differential drive setup, thereby steering the vehicle automatically per the user-defined embedded code. The code may be written to make the robot remain within an area, track lines, etc.

Components (from top-left to bottom-right moving down the circuit):
- 3 pin header for battery connections (behind the voltage regulator)
- 5V linear voltage regulator: provides steady voltage to the microcontroller/sensor bus.
- 220 microF capacitor: meets unsteady servo load with peaking power.
- Servo headers
- LED and resistor: circuit ON/OFF signal
- ATMega8 AVR microcontroller: circuit brains, sensor signal processing, program execution
- Sensor headers
- 6-pin programmer headers: designed for the Pololu AVR programmer.

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