Saturday, July 31, 2010

Robot Project :: Workshop Day 3 :: Circuit Complete

Originally uploaded by orangejacket05
I finished the circuit today and powered it up, and it passed the first tests! No sight nor smell of smoke was emitted from the components or wires.

After finishing all soldering I used a multimeter without an external power source as a first circuit test:
- no connections between the power and ground buses (risk is melting down the battery and causing sparks).
- all intended connections are functional
- no short circuits between adjacent buses
- verify that all connections around the voltage regulator are functional

For my next test, I connected a 7.5 V rechargeable battery with alligator clips to the power input headers. I test the servo power bus and the microcontroller circuit to ensure proper voltages:
- The servo bus read voltages near 7.5 V
- The sensor bus voltages were at 4.95 V
So far, so good. The voltage regulator is working as expected.

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